2/17/2012 Joe Slocum- City Manager intimidates F.O.S, 3/6/12 Meeting, Waldo County EMA, they sandbag me again.

2/17/12 City Manager Joe Slocum Letter trying to silence me

Here is City Manager, Joe Slocum sending an intimidation letter to stop me from speaking publicly at Council Meetings. He hangs himself again with referencing it is illegal to for the City to do work on private property- the very work the City did at 23 Seaview Terrace, Karen Caswell's property in 2009. Slocum completely denied this was done, then after written testimony from neighbors was given he said, oh yes, they did do work but that was 8 years ago (to be clear of 7 year statute) then more proof given that it was in 2009 (I request Public Works to provide work order for heavy equipment in that time frame and the director, Bob Richards said they don't use work orders. Right Bob- tell that to OSHA- not buying it at all. He said he would have to go through his steno book where he keeps his City logs. Right Bob) Bob produces a shady accounting from a steno book and now Joe says oh yes, we did do that in 2009 and it was to save road from water accumulating along side it. Wrong Joe, it drops off there- the culvert is there- where the City dug was at least 20 feet in and at the request of Kara Merrill, 27 Seaview Terrace because the water was stagnant and bug infested. Her property  abutted  this ditch. 

City Of Belfast
131 Church St
Belfast Me 04915
Joseph J. Slocum, City Manager
207-338-2270 x10 
fax 207-338-2419
jslocum@cityof belfast.org

February 17, 2012

Dear Laurie,

The Council members and I understand that you may wish to again address the Council on the drainage concerns at your property, which is the same topic that they have heard you speak about on several prior occasions.

As explained in the letter from City Attorney William Kelly of December 27,2011, the City's position is that the City did not cause, nor is it responsible for, your stream problems, and that the City is prohibited by law from allocating public resources to  resolve  a private citizen's private drainage issues that have been in existence for decades.

The "Open to the Public" portion of the City Council Agenda provides an opportunity for citizens to express their views on new or unresolved issues.  It is not  designed  to provide a forum for an individual to repeatedly  disagree  with a legal position adopted by the Council.  Council meetings are frequently long and meeting time is limited.  The Council has heard you, they have all discussed the matter with me and the City Attorney, and there is nothing  left  for us to do but respectfully agree to disagree.  The Council and I invite you to have your attorney or advisors discuss the matter with the City Attorney, if you can find any evidence that  contradicts  the findings he made in his letter of December 27,2011, which mirror factual findings reached in an investigation of the same issues in 1987.  However, absent new facts that demonstrate City responsibility for your private drainage issues, it is respectfully requested that you please consider that it is appropriate that Council meeting time be occupied with new matters from and for other citizens of the City, and other pending matters.

You should be aware that this letter has been circulated to the Mayor and Council members and the City Attorney to ensure  agreements  to its contents.  We all respect your frustration with the Council's findings, but we do not believe there is any relief available from the City to address the drainage issues within your property.  Please consider that this decision is not particular to you, but is a matter of common policy in most municipalities in Maine.

Thank You,

Joseph Slocum
Belfast City Manager

Waldo EMA-Plans for Disaster-on agenda- I speak to save Seaview @20:10 @25:50 Mayor Ash tries to tell me not to come back anymore- get a lawyer- not a chance Big Boy- I give it back- he tries to anger me- not a chance Spanky. Dale speaks @51:46 w/ overview- Council does not address Seaview Terrace, talk of Irene-flooding other states- unbelievable yet again.

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